Tuesday, October 28, 2008


*sigh!* Ape kejadah la test biochem semalam ni bley masok mimpi aku...punya la syok2 nk ckupkan quota tidur memandangkan hari ni cuti [Celebrating the day of splitting czekoslovakia to czech republic and slovakia] haih..tapi sebenarnya memng perlu difikirkan sikit kot test tu.. test tu boleh dikatakan agak mudah tapi sangat la regret sebb xberfikir panjang masa buat calculation and end-up dengan buat salah!!! susah jugak bila ada otak yang sangat creative ni.. hahaah~

i'm quite stress because i've to maintain my microtest result average below than 3.0 or else i've to take a special credit test which i dont want!...My third test for this semester, even without any 'failed' yet but agak cuak jugak...i realised currently me,myself and i is under influence of..LAZINESS,PROCASTINATION! hypotesis yang mampu dibuat.."semakin kurang test, semakin malas KOIN"...and its proven true..hehe..
Mana la azam mase final exam mase tu ntah!! waaa...dulu mase nyawa dihujung tanduk [final 1st year..]macam2 planning untuk 2nd year ni, tapi almost all x dilaksanakan...malah dpt dirasakan 2nd year ni bertambah malas!! ape la nk jadik!! tu la manusiakan..bila berada dalam kesusahan sedar diri dan kononya nk memperbaiki diri tapi bila dan senang lupa daratan..mungkin dah jadi fitrah manusia to be specific Melayu and to be more specific KOIN Mudah lupa..hahah~

Wateva it is cakap banyak pon xgunakan..ok la just lets by gone be by gone! wat i've to do now is just to get ready for my coming tests...this time 'PACAKKAN TEKAD, koin if u wanna a be a doctor in less than 5 years time from now then u've to sacrifice...if you malas2 its mean u sendiri yg saja cari alasan untuk men'depress'kan diri sendiri dengan memanjangkan masa berjauhan dgn ur parents/family kt malaysia [waa..nk balik sekarang kalo ikot hati...nk sambung kt malaysia ja..] fikir betol2...
Mak and Ayah..RINDUU~
Ps/: semua diperengan diatas hanyalah seisi menolog dalaman dalam diri sendiri..tidak ada kena mengena yang masih hidup mahupun yang sudah meninggal dunia...hanya untuk memotivasikan diri yang semakin hanyut dan lupa akan tujuannya kesini..haha~

ok la dah2 la tu...lagi lame spend time kt sini...lagi banyak la korg dengar aku merepek! hari ni seisi meluahkn perasaan tamat...hehe~

Sunday, October 26, 2008

depaavali n housewarming...

Saturday, 25October2008...

Tuan rumah: Sara,Mei yee,Jay

Housewarming and deepavali celeb in jay,sara and mei yee house! we had so much fun dat day!.. had been served with nasi tomato,nasi beryani, popodem[i dunno how to spell...correct me if i'm wrong~],curry ayam, curry veggie, salad,desert blablabla...sangat la full malam tu! thanks tuan rumah!

chenad dengan tanda didahinya..simbolik kaum india

superseniors..also memeriahkan majlis~
separuh daripada borhanianss
menari/menyanyi hindustan bersama selendang sara

Before leaving, sempat jugak diorg celeb my 21st birthday..sangat la terharu dengan cheese cake yang sedap buatan didie n ijti tu,macam tau2 je tengah mengidam nk makan cheese cake ni!hehe...thanks people for the presents too...thanks everyone~

cake buatan didie dibantu oleh ijti...

potong jgn xpotong

seisi suap menyuap~

kebelakangan ni weekend sentiasa diisi dengan pelbagai programme...menarik dan best jugak..takda la rasa kebosanan sangat..tambahan pula menjelang igames yg bakal menjelang kurang dari seminggu je lagi ni, masing2 semakin giat berlatih dan berusaha untuk mencapai matlamat memiliki piala dato' salman...

ok la malas nk membebel banyak2 lagipun ada biochem test esok! so saya mengundur diri! wasalam..

the begin of new era~

Today AGM is officially held by CzeMsa Hradec Kralove to wrap everything done in the previous season and start a fresh brand new era with new faces of leaders...
Congratulation for those who had been appointed to be the representative..sila la menjalankan tugas yang diamanahkan dengan berdedikasi oke, bersedialah menerima cadangan dan kritikan yang membina dari kesemua ahli CzeMsa demi kesejahteraan bersama..CONGRATE again!
President: Azizul
Vice president: Nabilah Hanis
Secretary: Masrina
Tresurer : Ng Mei yee
Academic: Nazrin and Potter
Welfare/religion: Nabilah and Lah
PR: Haris and Madihah
PA System: Winnie and Shiham
Selamat menjalankan tugas kwan2~
PS/: haih..hari ni rasa diri mcm Raja Petra Kamarudin plak, terpaksa menjawap spekulasi yang kebenarannya hanya yang sesetengah orang sahaja yang dapat menerima, selamat xda ISA kalo x,xpasal2 dah lame ke'dalam'..koin lain kali sila senyap je oke, sumtime kita kena berlagak seperti orang bisu, pekak dan buta..kena menghentikan segala pengunaan deria...dat y sumtime people do said that 'ignorance is bliss'...!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

thanks to RNR~

Assalamualaikum! Dobry den...
Thanks for RNR [Raini,Nadea,Rian] for the card..because this is the biggest card i got for my 21's birthday so i wanna make a special Post about it..haha saja2 gedik2!
i'm not gonna write the messages written by them in the card here, let's it be our secret!hehe..
thanks for the wishes babes!!.
For the others..if ur cards is not being published in here,dont be sad oke..i'm hodne appreciate all of them...thanks everyone! :oD

Help for Hedgehogs..

Czech challenge to save the hedgehogs
Wed Oct 22, 5.14 AM ET - A Czech animal center specializes in caring for orphaned and injured hedgehogs. This center is trying to help the humble hedgehogs after statistics reveal thtat 350,000 of the spiky creatures are killed in the country every year..
Sources: Reuters, Yahoo news!

Scene 1: Gollova Ulice,Malsovice
Semasa pulang berjalan kaki dari bus stop Husuv pomnik ke rumah kami tadi, kami terjumpa seekor hedgehog yang dah pon mati ditepi jalan..sorang makcik czech yang juga pejalan kaki disitu tiba-tiba memandang kearah kami dibelakangnya dan beliau dengan bersungguh-sungguh bercakap sesuatu sambil menunjuk ke arah hedgehog tersebut kepada kami...kesimpulannya kami xpaham yang cuba makcik tu perkatakan, dah dengan ringkas hanya menbalas dengan mengangguk2 sambil beraksi kononnya faham...kami dapat rasakan berkemungkinan makcik tersebut bersimpati dengan pemergian hadgehog tersebut...hoho...

Scene 2: Umah kami, Gollova 420,HK
sesampainya dirumah kami terus meniarapkan diri masing-masing diatas katil sambil melayari internet.. keypad ditekan laju, perkataan YAHOO.COM diacukan kedalam web browser..maka keluarlah home page Yahoo Browser.. sekalis pandang, tajuk berita 'help for hedgehogs' menjadi habuan mata yang sememangnya masih terlekat di kepala mengenai peristiwa kematian hedgehog di tepi jalan tadi...lantas berita online from reuters yahoo news itu ditatapi dan dihayati...facts seperti diatas diselongkar..
Scene 3: Atas Katil, Bilik tengah,Umah kami..
Bosan dan tak tahu nk buat apa..esok hanya lab physiology, again we've to withdraw our friends' blood as a practice for the venipunture and also for the souces of blood for the experiment.. kerana terlalu tidak mampu membuat apa-apa yang laen, jadi saya pun terpikir untuk menceritakan peristiwa hedgehog diatas...TAMAT!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


ALHAMDULLLILAH..bersyukurku kehadrat illahi kerana diri ini masih diberi kesempatan untuk menghirup udara segar disaat ini dan masih berdaya memanfaatkan segala nikmat pemberianNya secara optimum..syukur padamu Ya Allah..
Tanggal 21October2008, maka genaplah kehidupanku dibumi Allah ini selama 21tahun..21Tahun bukanlah satu usia yang singkat dan diri ini sentiasa menyedari bahawasanya diri ini sudah tidak mampu ditag sebagai 'setahun jaggung' atau 'masih mentah'.. Harapan sejajar dengan peningkatan usia ini agar dapat memperbaiki diri dalam setiap aspek kehidupan sedikit demi sedikit kearah yang lebih baik..iA akan diusahakan!

Sebelum berhenti, terima kasih tidak terhingga kepada semua sahabat, saudara, ahli keluarga di seluruh dunia yang telah menge'wish' samada directly face2face atau melalui telefon,fs,fb,ym,blog blablabla.. thanks soo muchhh!
Before i stop punching the keypad, cuma nk bagi tau bahawa saya berjaya membeli Sony Digital Camera DSC-T2 8.1MP touch screen kaler pink.huu~..sy nk sangat2 beli kaler mettalic green tapi after bidding kt Ebay pink ni lagi murah..layan la asal bahagia hehe~

Tutasnya, saya gembira,terharu,ceria,bahagia, teruja dan semua perkataan lain yang seangkatan dengannya..jadi, Wasalam~
Thanks sue for the post! (click here!)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Brno 18.10.2008

Where to go? Bandar Brno menjadi sasaran pertama CzechTour kami. Brno is the 2nd city of Czech Republic after praha..we spend only a day there, so no shopping just visiting interesting places..eventho hati kami bergelojak nk round2 n survey2 the shopping malls tapi sebab planning yang mantop banyak membatasi hawa nafsu shopping hehe..this is my cheapest vacation ever, mcm tak guna duit sgt except for the 24hours bus ticket, fees for sum places,makan...Tribute to my friend who organize this trip very well hinggakan hampir kesemua tempat menarik di Brno berjaya dikunjungi dlm masa sehari...kesimpulanya Brno sgt la best! banyak shopping mall walaupon xsempt nk shop[xpa nex time..hehe..], and betol la fact yang kitorg baca mengenai warga Brno or generally Czech yang mempunyai bone structure yang menarik hinggakan melihat orang2nya sahaja dah cukup memuaskan hati pengunjung...hoho..jejaka kacak dan wanita cantik dimana-mana dan yang menariknya diorg ni agak welcoming la, keep smiling and takda pun yang tgok kami mcm alien because of our hijjab seperti di sesetengah tempt [much better than orang2 kt HK ni!],the town also sangat la bersih plus less hectic compare to prague..berjalan-jalan dengan santai sememangnya menyeronokkan ditambah pergi bersama orang-orang yang senang dan ringkas sememangnya tiada masalah..hehe..Brno mempunyai banyak tempat-tempat yang menarik untuk dilawati..the cathedral, church, divadlo, university, namesti blablabla...so sangat la recomendded utk pergi berjalan2..

below r some photos taken during the trip..
The stara radnice,BrnoCenter of Zeleny Trh, Cabbage Market

Petrov, St Peter and Paul Cathedral


cerveny kostel, the red church
spilberk hrad
batubatuan di PETROV
santai~ pendakian ke spilberk hrad meronda-ronda
Sekian saya koin melaporkan..ehehe~

Friday, October 17, 2008

who's the next president?

Annual General Meeting for CzeMSA Hradec Kralove for the year 2008/2009 will be held next Sunday on the 26th of October 2008 at the Main Lecture Hall in the University Faculty.
Below are the details :
Place : Main Lecture Hall in the University Faculty
Time : 10.00 am to 2 pm
Dress code : Smart Casual
Fee: 100 Kc (compulsory).

Kita bakal menyaksikan pergelutan jawatan President diantara dua jejaka kacak Hradec Kralove iaitu Mr Aminuddin Baki bin Amran aka Awang dan Mr Azizul Salehudin aka Busut/Ijoy..
awang dan busut..ni lah calon pres kita.. :)
Mari kita beramai-ramai memeriahkan AGM CzeMsaHK kali ini dan men-Vote sesiapa yang berkelayakan memimpin dan WILLING untuk menjadi pemimpin..
Masa depan CzeMsaHK berada ditangan kita..Jom Mengundi!
visit CzeMsaHk for More info (click!)
Ps: Kalo ada sapa2 lagi dinominate untuk jadi pres selain 2mamat diatas ni..sori la x di announce kt sini hehe..

nikmat kesenangan..


Thursday, October 16, 2008


iGames08 v Praze
bahang sudah terasa..
setiap kontigen mula merancang satu persatu langkah untuk mengorak kejayaan
mengerah kudrat membahagi masa antara study dan berlatih sukan
berinteraksi..berdiskusi..bersatu hati
Piala Duta Besar Malaysia,Czech Republic menjadi taruhan..
thank for our beloved embassador Datuk Salman and all the embassy people for the full support! siap hantar team maen lagi..hoho..
Kesimpulannya..kralovians make sure the Piala is ours!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

surat seorang ibu..

Tontoni vid ni dan jadikan pedoman..

Haish!..Rasa takut pulak tengok video ni.. takut suatu hari nanti kita anak menjadi seperti Sang Anak yang lupa akan janji yang ditaburi dan hanyut dalam kesibukan hidup masing-masing...Nauzubillah!..

semoga kita tidak pernah lupa jasa dan pengorbanan kedua orang tua kita walau setinggi mana pangkat kita mahupun sesibuk manapun kita suatu hari nanti.. Hargai mereka selagi termampu dan terdaya kerana kita perlu bersyukur mempunyai kedua ibubapa yang sentiasa mengasihi dan menyayangi kita mengatasi segalanya didunia ini!

"Mak dan Ayah! No word can describe how much i love both of u! I cant live without u, thanks for always there for me~ BIGhugs: Koin"

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Here is the email from the organizer of intervasity games08 in prague..

"Assalamualaikum, dobry den and salam sejahtera..
Saya penyimpan mohor besar Intervarsity Games (IG) yang akan berlangsung di Prague yang best ini ingin mengumumkan beberapa perkara yang memerlukan perhatian kontijen2 dari Hradec yg permai, Olomouc yg best maupon Prague sdiri…
Tarikh: 1 dan 2 Listopadu 2008
Denni: v Sobotu a Neděli
Sapakah yg perlu melibatkan diri?Semua pelajar Malaysia di Prague, Hradec Kralove and Olomouc dialu-alukn menyertai IG
Sebab?IG tahun ni dijamin akan lebih meriah dan gempak…selain bila lagi kita nak berkumpul dgn semua Malaysian n bersama2 as a community….come on>>we should Proud to be Malaysian!!! !!!!!!!!
Sukan apa yg ada? sports yg akan dipertandingkan nanti iaitu futsal, basketball, volleyball, bowling dan pool.Yang bestnya ialah..ada satu special sport iaitu sukaneka yg best..utk sukaneka ada baling selipar, lari ikat kaki, dan pintar pintas….Amacam cukup best x?

Berapa org setiap kontijen?Berikut disenaraikn bilangan pemain bagi setiap permainan utk perhatian setiap ketua kontijen bg Prague, Hradec and Olomouc

Futsal [full!]
2 teams lelaki dan 2 teams perempuan bg setiap university
-Setiap satu team mestilah mempunyai 5 org pemain dan 2 org simpanan
*utk futsal thn ni ade sumthing yg special yg mana embassy akn menghantar satu team..
1st team
2.Kak Fifah
4. Fiza
5. Kak Hanis
6. Kak Lene
2nd team
2. Dalila jrs
3.Kak Aini
6. Anis
7. Madihah

Basketball [FULL!]
2 teams lelaki dan 2 teams perempuan bg setiap university
-Setiap satu team mestilah mempunyai 3org pemain dan seorg simpanan
1st team
1. winnie
3. Cek Mek
4. Hasniza
2nd team
1. Lina
3.Kak Noleq
4. Mei yee

Volleyball [FULL!]
1 team lelaki dan 1 team perempuan bg setiap university
-Setiap satu team mestilah mempunyai 6 org pemain dan 2 org simpanan
6.fatin MSU
Bowling- OPEN [FULL!]
- satu University mestilah menghantar 2 teams yg terdiri daripada 2 lelaki dan 2 perempuan dalam satu team
*embassy akan menghantar 2 teams….
1st team
1. Fathin
2. Fiza
2nd team
1. Raini
2. Mei yee

Pool [FULL!]
Utk single setiap university mestilah menghantar seorang wakil lelaki dan seorg wakil perempuan
-double: 1 double lelaki dan 1 double perempuan
single : Kak Mas
2. yoginee

SUKANEKA!!!! !!!!!!
selipar [FULL!]
Setiap university menghantar 2 teams lelaki dan 2 teams perempuan yang mana satu team mempunyai 4 org peserta
1st team
2. Ijti
2nd team
4. Anis

Lari ikat kaki [Full!]
Setiap university mestilah menghantar 1 team lelaki dan 1 team perempuan yg terdiri drpd 10 org setiap team
[Naqibah,Aini, Zetty,Anis,CekMek,Eylia,Keyla,meyl,dayah,syikin]

Pintar pintas (tiup belon>>pecahkan belon>>bawa telur dalam sudu) [Full!]
Setiap university mestilah menghantar 1 team lelaki dan 1 team perempuan yg terdiri daripada 4org utk setiap team
1. Kak Aini
4. Fara

Berikut adalah wakil utk setiap univ bagi pendaftaran permainan
Hradec Kralove
Nurul Ain aka Koin [girls]
Azizul Salehudin aka Ijoy [boys]

Soooo~... Kralovians girls..

I do need ur cooperation to give me your name and the games u're interested in before 18oct.. u can do so by sending me msg on fon, ym, chat box here.. u can register individually or as a team..i'll keep updating this blog with ur registered name/sports and also the capacity available for each sports..so quick!!!form a team n inform me ASAP!!
ps: name kt atas ni cuma my list je ok..u can discuss and choose mane2 geng untuk jadi ur teammates!!
FULL! so guys start practicing!!!Hradec boley~

Friday, October 10, 2008


YESTERDAY, After czech class in med library,i went to Afifah house to discuss about games for 'Sabtu yang Seronok', a programme for us this saturday ..together with Winnie,fifah,iela,k.Mas, we managed to plan a simple yet fun games..hopefully everyone enjoy the games! While discussing, we had an awesome lunch prepared by afifah..thanks babe!
Jidelni listek!~
Due to our high degree of laziness to go back home, we decided to lepak2 'kejap' dirumah Afifah..till the dinner time comes, lapar lagi, so we agreed to take our dinner at a hotel recommended by our senior, nearby Mnam-Mnam express, behind Adalbertinum stop...i can say it's kinda worth to eat there because of the variety choices of foods and the marvellous taste!!hehe..Suprisingly mase kitorg masuk,the song played in the restaurant was a Peterpan song Dibelakangku..the first Malay/Indon song played in a public place kt sini..agak kagum!!hehe~

TODAY, Fara...After being her patient last week, today is my turn to be the doctor, to withdraw her blood by doing the Venipunture..it's quite scary la nk cucuk orang w/o any experience kan,1st time la katekan huhu..tapi it's awesome to hv such an opportunity..rasa mcm dh jadik doktor!hehe*beranganMode!*

before start enjet org!hehe


After finished all classes, we went to EuroCenter to buy some stuffs for tumorrow programme..adventurous gak journey ke EuroCenter tu, sebb xda bus dat time so we decided to take bus cislo 6 and stop at pyram,then continue with bus cislo 12 and stop near kak Aini House..walked from there to the EuroCenter..quite far la hahaha*ayat org malas..lalalala* then after done with shopping thingy we went back to our nest!

TUMORROW, haish...again we hv a gathering, this time it's called 'Sabtu yang Seronok' *sebut gaya sin chan oke!* kt Novy Hradec aka Kota Baru hehe..we did plan some games to tie up our ukhuwah...have fun!

As the intervasity games 2 is around the corner...we also wanna use this gathering as a track to find new fresh talents in sports like futsal,basketball and volleyball to represent Hradec Kralove...so sape2 rase berkelayakan sila la tonjolkan diri masing2 k!hehe~

Below, the promo vid for the Intervasity in Hradec Kralove last year~

Hoping for the best...jom kite tumpaskan kontijen prague yg sungguh belagak tu! hahaha *peace!* kpd Kralovians yang masih belum membeli baju Merah menawan ni bole order ngn kak Hanis for girls and potter bagi kaum jejaka,hanya 200kc je!

ok gtg..! it's all for now!...
wait for an update bout 'Sabtu yang Seronok' akan dtg..see ya'll soon~

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

i am what i am

"I am what I am
I can't help myself
And if you don't like it
Get with somebody else
I'll never change my ways
It's not a phase
This is how it is and this is how it's gonna stay
Because I am what I am
I know what I'm not .."
:I'm What I'm - Jonas Brothers:

Monday, October 6, 2008

Aidilfitri in Prague..

oke, actually there're lotsa things i wanna write in here, only that i din' hv time and energy to point my finger on this keyboard and build nice sentences/paragraphs for people to read...

So, for this post,Aidilfitri in Prague; Embassy, let the picca speak for itself...
but, bcoz xnk berlaku zalim sgt..i'll attach caption for all the pics..
hope the picca captions do help in elaborating the raya celeb!

Kali ke-2 beraya bersama di rumah Datuk Salman
warga Hradec Kralove..kesemuanya!
kami warga Hradec Kralove,cz mengucapkan selamat hari raya kepada semua!
bersama shuhainie depan embassy malaysia..
bersama iela n chenad~
the borhans
the ex-mrsm mersing in czech republic!
the MO5C..2nd time raya bersama!
the borhan's again...dalam umah dato'!
raya..it's all about makan!

That's All..more picca in my friendster oke~

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rojak satu!

All Malaysian students (girls) studying medicine in Hradec Kralove,Cz

Vitame Vas to the JUNIORs 3rd batch Hradec Kralove..
ok! lets start with the juniors..
they were coming on 23/24/28 sept08..came in 3diff groups; 2 organized by Bested and one by MSU..
seniors responsible to help 'em out with all the needs before registration day! n also the living thingy!
because not so many malaysians students here..nk xnk kena la hulur tangan membantu..
watever it is..i can say it's wonderful to have 'em here..sharing all stories, experiences,jokes..feel like brothers n sisters..nice!
hope they can easily adapt with the diff surrounding and also the educ system here..we the seniors r willing to help them anytime!..
last but not least, Good Luck for the coming tests~
Enrolment of 2nd year Medical students
batch Borhan!
On the 1st day of Eid-ul Fitr we the 2nd years students have to register the subjects for the coming study year! After performing Solat Hari Raya and some makan2, we rush to our University to settle everything..Met zuzzana the secretary of the student division..filling the 'Index Book' with the new subjects..complete the comfirmation of HepB immunity..bus pass..etc
1. Biochemistry -Assoc. Prof. A. Stoklasova MD, PhD
2. Physiology - Assoc. Prof. Z. Cervinkova
3. Basics Patients Care - Mgr. A Tumova
4. Medical Biology 2 - Prof. Dr. M. Cervinka
5. Microbiology - Z. Cermakova D.V.M, PhD
6. Medical Immunology - Prof Dr. J. Krejsek PhD
7. Introduction of Psychology - D. Skorunka MD
8. Czech language 2 - Mgr. Z. Slemarova
elective subjects:
1. Current Health Problems in Students Home Countries
2. Introduction of Cognitive-behavoiural Theraphy
3. Clinical Anatomy
4. Introduction to Research Work
the nex day! class pon bermula..perjuangan pon diteruskan..so keep fighting koin!.

Eid Mubarak!
The 1st Syawal was on 30 Sept, same with the enrolment day as i mentioned above..
on the malam raya (nite before the hari raya day!) all Malaysians girls in Hk were breaking their fast in Kak Fifah/Kak Mas house...the main menu was laksa Kedah and Mee Kari..together with cakes, bihun goreng, roti jala blablabla..so we melantak dat nite sampai tersandar...
n after performing solat isya', we do the 'Takbir raya' together..
I was staying at Na Hrade that night...The next day, 1syawal.. after Mandi Sunat Hari raya dan mengalas perut di umah, we went to Medium with our brand new Baju Kurung/Kebarung/etc to perform solat Hari raya with the muslim community here..Bersalam-salaman..Bermaaf-maafan...after dat, once again Makan!!! raya cookies,Lansagna, arabic cakes etc..hehe~
Mood: tersangat Happy walau xdapat raya dgn family..hoho

makan..makan..dan makan

makan lagi..
mengacau chenad~

Raya Open House
On the evening of 1st syawal...Open House di Na Hrade..Main Menu: ketupat NONA yang diimport dari Malaysia, Nasi and rendang...it was so cool! rasa mcm raya btol..tapi memng raya pon kan...hehe~ again makan lagi dengan banyaknya..chit-chating and everyone leave quite early at about 9pm because sume ada class esoknya...
the second day raya! Open house at Pod Zameckem (sori if wrong spelling!) or rumah kak Bell, kak Hanis and Kak Lene...Nice soto and bihun soup! together with the cakes, fruits blablabla.. Makan lagi... then On this Sunday wud be the Raya celeb at Embassy...Wat a great celebration we had here...

dipagi raya..terkenang daku kepada sidia..lalala

Class dah start! will be bit busy l8r...hope still get time to update diz blog..
Okiedokie..dah malas nk taip..hehe..will be continue l8r..
*gmbr? i'll update l8r..xtransfer n xcollect lagi dr member2!
rasa masih tak terlambat nk ucap..Salam Lebaran..dan Maaf zahir batin!