Wednesday, December 10, 2008

doctor in the making..

Kalo nak cerita pasal stress, tension, penat, busy etc, rasenyer as a student memng benda2 ni xkan lari dari kehidupan kita kot, so penat jugak la kan kalo nk tulis hari-hari pasal stress2 sume ni and korg semua pon mesti la muak jugak kalo hari2 bace blog ni cerita xlaen xbukan mesti pasal perkara-perkara highlighted above tu kan..hehe..

So, skip that part, let move on to something which is more interesting..
Hari raya Aidiladha..08
owh silap, sebenarnya xda ape pon yg interesting sangat yang berlaku in the past few days.. hari raya aidiladha macam biasa la, xda la meriah sangat sebab class still on, plus i had physio test and presentation on Neurophysio&Myology on that day..the only different the day from any other days is that i skipped 3 periods of lecture in a row - biochem n physio, untuk sembahyang raya.. itu je la kot, tu pon xda la serious sangat sebb macam selalu jugak skip lectures..hahaha~
in the lecture hall on the Aidiladha

Next, just wanna share my experience doing the Urethral Catheterization during my Basics of Patients Care's practical...inserting the cathether tru patient's urethra to collect sample, to monitor patient's urine etc.. In hospital this procedure is usually done by nurse not general practitioner/doctor, tapi ni basic kan kena la tahu..hehe.. if u're not a medic student and hv no idea what the hell em talking about here, jus fikir2 sket masa korg pergi melawat2 saudara2 atau rakan2 kat hospital ada penah nampak x plastic bag kt tepi katil tu yang mengandungi air kencing yang di'connect' pada patient tu..haaa..itu la yang saya tengah cerita ni...oke, eventho we only have opportunity to do it on the model/dummy yet it still fun...kelakar! be frank, nothing is funny about the procedure, tapi my classmates yang mereng and their action when doing or practising the procedure memng xle blah..hehe.. menarikla sebenarnya procedure ni tapi ntah la i dont think i can do it, especially on a concious patient..xboleh nk imagine the situation, harap2 tak akan pernah kena buat benda ni kt patient..! oke, here r some photos!~

Dr Glen and Dr Sven in the process to insert the catheter in the babicka urethra
Miss Tumova and ila watak-watak kodi digambar ini..*peace!*
Dr. Fara and Dr. Madihah in the house...
Shantanu and Sven menjadi watak kodi..
Dr. JB Leiknes is trying hard to instill the catheter in the dedecka
thanks for reading :o)


rusnarusli said...

salam, koin....SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI..MAAF SALAH SILAP~~ bestnye dpt peluang patient care.. nway.. korang nyer lecture hall nampak baru daripada sini pnyer:)

~ rianus ~ said...

eh..nampak cam cun jugak cikgu basic patient care korang eh~~~
bley la kem slm nnti....hehhe...

Syazwani'Aqilah said...

wah2 buat urethra cathetal eyh..huhu menariknyaaaa

kokochan said...

rusnarusli: maaf zahir batin juga,haah rasanya rusna mesti akan ada juga nanti..tu main lecture hall, jarang guna yang tu selalunya guna yang kecik2 sket n buruk sket,lagipun budak english parallel bukan ramai sgtkan..hehe~

rianus: haah, sgt cun!hehe..tobias selalu usha dia..haha~

wani: hehehe.. practically memng menrik, tapi kalo nk buat btol2 mcm erkkk...!hahaha~