Sunday, March 15, 2009

aku dah..korang bila lagi?

Nejdrive, dekuju moc kepada semua senior2 yang sudi menjayakan Srdce K Srdci petang tadi..esp for all the tips n infos... thanks!!
Bahang final dah terasa..Cepat betul masa berlalu, bulan March pun dah mula mengorak langkah meninggalkan kita tanpa kita sedari..cuak juga bila difikir2kan pasal kedatangan final ni.. tapi tu la, cuak je xcukup kot sekarang ni.. mungkin kita dah boleh mula membelek2 compilations final questions&answers.. revising topics yang xbrape clear or..lagi bagus kalo dah start study soalan yang beratus2 tu..hehe..
Oke, sebenarnya harini nk cakap pasal TPMG, The Professional Mukmin Generation 09..or also known as Spring Camp 09 ni..
The 2-days program that will be held at a beautiful campsite in the Olomouc named Žralok Autokemp, Plumlov. Macam tajuk tu.. saya dah register! anda bila lagi?? Places r limited so jangan pikir banyak2 jom join..the speaker is a well-known scholar, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin or Dr MAZA [x-Mufti Perlis] who is currently in Wales,UK working on his thesis...

The TPMG09 Spring Camp came out with theme “Provisions, Inspirations and Aspiration”.
Ni ada overview sket about the places in which the programme will be held..

Further detail about the fees, place, tentative,how to register etc: [klik!]
Jom!! :o)


s.c.h.u.l.t said...


cantiknyerr tempat~~ *ngeee..geget jari* :)

kokochan said...

hehehehe, ni kt kampung2 sket! cantek la..hehe~