Fuhh..it had been like a month when i dropped my last post about activating this blog again.. seriously time is passing by me so fast without me knowing it... banyak sgt benda kena buat at the same time so otak tak berape 'center' sgt nk update blog ni..aku mmg lama da rasa nk menulis balik is just xda masa & when ade masa banyak plak xda idea & ada benda laen lagi penting nk buat hahaha so end up blog ni xberupdate...huhuhu
so it has been almost 5years i'm here in hradec kralove & still alive!!..5year - not my final year yet since im doing 6year medical program.. so i hv extra a year untuk di bazirkan kt sini :) like it or not kena la gak kan hahaha!
ok banyak benda nk cerita tapi bila nk tulis je kt sini lupe terus semua benda :P
oh nk cerita last time kt class peads masa round ward tu kena check satu baby sgtla kesian..it's a premature baby yang banyak gilerrrr complications, and i would say kesian sangat2 la, the baby was just after removal of his intestines due to necrosing enterocolitis, then dia bute sebb retinal detachment, and neurological findings of the baby pon tak berape positive huhu..now dia dah almost 4 bulan..masa aku cek baby tu aku tak tahu la dia bute, tapi mata dia mmg mcm xfocus kt satu tempat sgt mcm baby biasa, dia mcm org tak tentu hala tu & when doctor told us that the baby is blind.. aku agak terkejut la..huhu kesian la kecit2 dah banyak masalah.. the worst part is mak si baby tu plak jenis tak bertanggungjawab, and as for now prognosis or hala tuju budak tu mmg tak tahu lagi la mcmana..aishhh sedihh! :( mmg sape2 nk amek peads later on kena la ade strong heart(mcm korea punya show tu keke^^), aku personally mcm xsanggup je tgok baby kecit2 cmni banyak giler problems..rasa sayu hati.. lagi sedih & geram klu masalah baby tu adalah from irresponsible mother yg merokok, minum arak, dadah etc..
since aku cakap pasal budak kecik ni aku nk share gak la pasal Ambylopia or the so called "lazy eye"... benda ni antara punya utama la gak budak preschool age strabismus or juling.. aku tak tahu system kt malaysia mcmana in term of checking mata budak kecit ni, tapi it's important to exclude any abnormalities kt mata anak2 masa kecit.. especially klu masalah mata tu hanya one sided je, budak kadang2 xdapat beza sebb dia still leh nampak guna sebelah lagi & the problem gak kdg2 budak kecit ni dia takle cakap or tak mengadu dia tak nampak... so klu kita yg dewasa ni xdpt detect sangat la masalah..
sebb ape? sebb bila ade je masalah pada satu mata, mata yg bermasalah tu selalunya kabur or blind kan..kate la mata kiri masalah, so secara automatikly otak kita akan pilih/ikot image yg nampak jelas dari mata kanan yg ok je..so dia mengabaikan penglihatan dari mata kiri yg kabur/buta tu..so process ni menyebabkan budak kecit tu sort of train mata kanan je untuk melihat, di tak pakai mata kiri..benda ni la menyebabkan diorg jadik juling/squinting..ni penerangan secara general la supaya mudah dipahami..
aku share benda ni sebb aku rasa agak penting la gak, as untuk treat budak ni untuk tak bagi juling kena start as early as possible sebelom dia juling btol..kena prevent la dari juling sebb mesti la kita takmo kan anak kita tiba2 membesar mata jadik juling.. so it's better untuk detect benda ni awal supaya leh prevent it from happening, cuma aku tak tahu cmna system kt malaysia pasal benda ni, klu ade system regular cek mata ke utk baby ok la, klu tak so it will be responsibility of the parents la untuk g hospital n cek mata anak2 kalian.. kalu sihat alhamdulillah, klu tak sihat pon ade cara untuk dirawat so dont worry.. it's just lagi cepat problem ni leh didetect lagi bagus % mata tu le jadi normal & mudah jgk untuk dirawat :)
ok la gtg, nti ape2 aku hupdate lagi..bye~!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
eh aku ade blog ke??
wahh nk mereput da blog ni, tinggal xberjaga bertahun rasanyaaaa...kesian takde sape sudi nk upload something here..huhu..
kalu nk start blogging mcm kena fully renovate je blog ni...hahaha
memng la hai 'warm-warm chicken shit' je masa buat dlu..dlu org nk blogging aku pon nak, then skrg mmg da mmg haram tak bersentuh la blog ni...
tapi harini tiba2 terasa nk 'ter' bukak blog neh secara tiba2...sambil ronda2 dia alam maya ni godeh2 tumblr org, blog org, tiba2 terpikir
"eh aku kan ade blog? ade lagi ke ek? ke aku da delete?"
tu la sampai balik kt blog ni..huhuhu
(saja tayang muke...esp untuk org yg dah tak ingt muke aku cmna da hahaha~)
start blog ni dari 1st year, now im already in 5th year...rasa masa berjalan begitu pantas...huhu
bila tgok2 post lama2 rasa lawak btol..haha aku ke yg tulis nehhh..hahahaha
tapi takpe la...at least we can see how far we've grown..have changed...huhu
rasa nk start blogging again...so rakan2 sila la datang membaca kembali ok :) hehe
Saturday, November 27, 2010
oh marfan syndrome~
menariknya di hospital beberapa minggu lepas... met this patient with marfan syndrome! it's relatively a very rare disease to be found..even my doctor told me that that was his 2nd time met such patient in his medical career up to now..
marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder of connective tissue... i dont want to explain everything in detail related to the pathogenesis of the disease..and to make it simple it's a autosomal dominant disease, but dont worry u'll be at risk only if either ur father or mother has this disease, if not u're in the safe zone then :)
what make this disease interesting in my point of view as medical student is the complications and all the clinical manisfestations that can be observe from the patient.. still can remember someone told me -the severe & complicated the disease, the interesting it wud be for doc & medical student :P *especially in term of learning purposes & experiences..
ok back to the patient, from the start when u approach this marfan patient u can easily identify the typical tall with long limb, and the thin and slim fingers.. i'll provide here later some picture to help your imagination :P hehehe...

since this disease is a disorder of connective tissue thus the manisfestion will be so general involving many organs such as eyes, heart etc etc.. but i'll only write here the most common one..
1. Patient has problem with vision/eyes because of ectopic lentis or subluxation/dislocation of the lens..pt usually experiences astigmatism or near-sightedness..but can also hv far-sightedness.. sometime pt also have glaucoma, retina probs etc2...

2. gothic palate, pectus excavatum!

3. his heart is the main reason why he's being admitted in the hospital..he has insufficiency in all 4 valves [the most severe aortic n mitral valve] and already had transplantation of aortic valve and had also ascending aorta replacement due to aortic aneurysm..
*his ascending aorta aneurysm/dilation of ascending aorta leads to dilation also of the heart at the area of the aortic valve, thus leading to severe insufficiency of the aortic valve... but all these complication already being 'repaired' few years ago...

from history taking, his mother died due to rupture of disecting aorta.. marfan snyndrome is one of the etiology of disecting aorta aneurysm beside hypertension, syphilis etcetc... due to weakening of the CT, the intima of the aorta can be easily teared and a false channel can be found under the intima...[picca below~]
pt with disecting aortic aneurysm is at high risk of aortic rupture - externally to pericardium and can lead to sudden death due to cardiac tamponade...
it also can cause sternose@block of the aorta itself & also the main branches of aorta ; carotid artery, subclavian artery etc...leading to stokes & death because of the impairment of the blood supply...

the current problems of the patient is the mitral valve insufficiency, he's about to have mitral valve transplantation on the next day...so we sent him for regular procedure before cardiosurgery : coronary angiography to see does he has any prob with the blood supply of the heart..etc etc...
*ascultation, he has a very loud murmur all over her chest..due to the insufficiency of the heart valves but the maximum point is at the axilla area and mitral region..
ok enough with heart..
4. others :
lungs- spontaneous pneumothorax is pretty common in marfan syndrome..
CNS disturbances -dural ectasia, spine problems etc...
so i guess that's all guys...all this info is not complete, just sharing what i remember and some facts i found from google-ing etc...
so thanks for reading :P hehehe~
extra info about marfan sy visit here The National Marfan Foundation: clickhere!
and credit to joe smart for sharing this real story about his niece with marfan... to read: click here!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
"fighting your own self is the hardest. your mind/brain keep contradicting your heart. and vice versa. You don't know which to side to, to stand up for. all are part of you. either part, wins or loses - you end up everything. it's pretty exhausting. and tiring. maybe it's this whole process which makes an end result at best, ...fulfilling, or at worst, ...crushing. gotta live with it nevertheless, kan?" -fatimah zahirah mohd damanhuri..
quoted from my friend, fatimah's status in fb...
below: lagu hiasan takde kena mengena ngn post ni :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
marah? marah sangat? marah gilerr?

Mari berwudu' atau
Semoga dilindungi ALLAH dari hasutan syaitann..
Mengucap Isti’azah (A’uzubillah)
Diriwayatkan dalam sahih Bukhari bahawa pada suatu ketika dua lelaki bertengkar di sisi Rasulullah SAW. Salah seorang yang merah mukanya mencela seorang lagi dengan penuh kemarahan. Lalu Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Sesungguhnya aku akan mengajar kamu satu kalimah yang jika dibacakannya akan hilang kemarahannya, iaitulah bacaan “A’uzu billahi minasy syaitanir rajim”.
Ucapan isti’azah ini hendaklah dilakukan dengan penuh rasa kebergantungan kepada Allah dan memohon bantuannya daripada syaitan dan kuncu-kuncunya.
Firman Allah dalam surah al-A’raf ayat 200 bermaksud: Jika engkau dihasut oleh sesuatu hasutan dari syaitan, maka mintalah perlindungan kepada Allah, Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha mengetahui.
source : clickhere!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
mexican mangoes...?

Mexican mangoes----> Kerabu Mangga
....a spontaneous idea came after meronda-ronda in Tesco Dum this evening with my housemate..thinking of buying a mango to eat, so try to find a ripe one,but none of them look ripe enuf to be eat immediately...so end up buying not-so-ripe mango and come out with the idea of making this kerabu mangga hehe..
go tru some recipies on the net...and finally taaadaaaa~~

my 1st kerabu mangga :) :)
since it was licin dibelasah oleh my housemates so bule kate success la kot :P :P hahaha~
Another menu we had for dinner tonight was this unique yet delicious food made by chenad keke~ she used chives, eggs, garlics, carrots...fried them all together with some sauces...

Chives Omelet??...or much better Fried Chives with Carrots? hahaha...ok whatever the name is... this one is simply tasty!!hehe :o)
ni la activity random kami dihujung minggu :P
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
SNSD 3rd minialbum's tracks were just released...
Hoot...hoot...hoot.... cant wait for their comeback!
beside hoot...i so into this song = My Best Friend:)
happening melody & awesome lyric u can check it out below...
so enjoy!!
Taeyeon - Even though we argued a little yesterday
Today, we laugh and hug, embrace each other
Alright. Let's make a promise
You are my best friend
Jessica – Even if your worry may seem trivial
Don’t hold it in
But share it with each other. Promise me one more time
Yoona – When you laugh, I’m happy too
Yuri – When you’re sad, my eyes tear up.
There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend
Jeti – I’ll be your strength
I’ll always by your best friend
Sunny – If you find a good movie, a song,
Or a person(guy), make sure to let share it with each other
Let’s make a promise together
Seohyun – Let’s not be stingy and
Buy each other meals
Let’s make a promise with our finger
Hyoyeon – For me, when you’re not here, I really feel lonely
Sooyoung – For me, when you’re sick, I can’t sleep. I worry about you
There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend
You’re my life’s present my friend
You’re my jewel. My miracle
I’ll protect my appreciative heart
Once again, I swear to God
I love you my friend
Tiffany – With faith and holding hands, no matter what I won’t be afraid
Sica – The word friendship may sound awkward, but I think that word was created
To describe us.
Seohyun – my friend
There is only one of you in this world my friend
You’re my joy and my soul
I’ll continue to treasure our importance
I swear to God
I love you my friend
You’re my life’s present my friend
You’re my jewel. My miracle
I’ll protect my appreciative heart
Once again, I swear to God
I love you my friend
We make pretty nicknames for each other and play around
Sometimes, we share our cool clothes
You’re number one in my speed dial.
You’ll always be my best friend
Forever you’re my friend
You’re my only one, my friend
Forever you’re my friend
You’re my only one, my friend
Hey, aren’t you my friend?
Maerong (teasing)
Good night
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