Saturday, July 25, 2009


Dah seminggu kt mesia yg panas ini..Keh3! Kulit makin hitam, badan makin gemok! Itula perubahan paling ketara stakat ni... Ok, spe yg xtau lg n0 tp0n aku ni aku publish lgi.. 0178809912 aku mungkin xbrape nk update bl0g ni tyme cuti2 ni.. Tp tg0k la nanti cmna.. Ok ler, till then bye!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

the peace and the joy...

segala puji bagi Allah yang memiliki dan menguasai setiap perkara..

Last Thursday 9/7, i did my last exam, biochem and Alhamdulillah i passed it..thanks for Prof. Stoklasova for the signature~!
Overall i'm so grateful and satisfied with all my exam results for this year!..Alhamdulillah..
so now i'm officially finished my 2nd year, except for the practical training for a week which i'll do in Malaysia during this summer break..
Generally i've another 4years to go before becoming a GP :o) ...still a looong journey ahead..
i tink not to give up and work hard are the best medications along the way...i'll do watever it takes even how tough it'll be and how hard it is..
Hope Allah will bless our journey and eases our way! Ameen..

tagline mase exam period!haha~

and after 2 years celebrating Eid Fitr in Czech Republic, far away from family and all the delicious raya foods/cookies...finally, i can celebrate raya in malaysia this year!...alhamdulillah!!! Seronok gilerrr :oD

Okeyh, I'll be in malaysia from 15july2009-27sept2009...about 2 and a half months.. and i've booked my flight ticket...this year i'll flying home with Emirates from Frankfurt Germany, which is one of czech neighbouring countries...below r briefly about my flight...
FRANKFURT, Germany to KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
14 July 2009 [Tuesday] Frankfurt --> Dubai
15 July [Wenesday] Dubai --> Kuala Lumpur

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia to FRANKFURT, Germany
27 Sept 2009 [Sunday] Kuala Lumpur --> Dubai
27 Sept 2009 [Sunday] Dubai --> Frankfurt
* Frankfurt, Germany to Prague,Czech Republic --> Bus :o)

hope to have a safe journey home! pray for us!

i suppose to clean my house and pack my things now, but MALAS!!... right now, i just wanna lazying around and sleep..haaaihhh ape nk jadi ni...

owhh, forgot one things, i went to podebrady last friday.. and bought tonnes of crystals untuk di bawa pulang...mesti my mum senyum melebar melihatnya nanti :o)

one more thing!, i'm so crave for Sambal Sotong!!!! I'll ask my mom to cook for me banyak2!!! xsabarr.....

okeyhh la.. wanna sleep! bye..