Monday, December 7, 2009

things happen for a reasons!

alhamdulillah ala kulli hal...yup i believe things happen for a reason....
alhamdulillah dah selesai procedure2 kehilangan purse ku...tinggal kena tunggu bank card je 1-2week baru bley amek..
ECG dah selesai...means that credit pathophys dah settle utk sem ni..alhamdulillah..
makan2 untuk kawan2 dah buat..walaupon secara kecil2an melibatkan rakan terdekat memandangkan belanjawan xbrape stabil skrg..
gambar ni winter tahun lepas...tahun ni snow tak turun2 lagi ni..hikhik
sejuk dah nak ke bone marrow ni...hari ni je 4degree celcius..
tak sabarrrr jugak walaupon this gonna be my third winter kt sini...cuma malas bila kena pakai tebal2 je la...huhu

before chrismas break
ada a few tests -->Cellular Pathobiochem test, microbe ada 2 lagi test , presentation czech, pathoanat credit..
akan ke kota cinta a.k.a the City of Love ...PARIS, France for 4days...
then continue ke WARSAW & KRAKOV, Poland [dlm perbincangan!]....
after chrismas Break
Final Microbiology
Final PE in Internal Medicine


SupeR HoLky-HOOD said...

salam koin~

td x smpat nk tanye psal purse tu.huhu..dd ade bgtau td..:-(
btol2..inshaAllah ade hikmah in every single thing yg berlaku dlm hidup kt neh iAllah!~
okes..jmpe di kelas nnti iA..hehe.
tk care koin koko chan hait!

lah de musab

p/s: tgu kemunculan sy dirumah anda..kiki..ade sumthin utk korg..jeng3x..

kokochan said...

thankkksss sooo muchhh! yup He knows the best, Alrahman Arrahim..
alrite jumpa kt class nnti :)

huhuhu..meh2...bgtau je klo nk dtg k takot xda kt umah plak nnti..haha..

btw, thanksss sooo much..