Assalamualaikun a Dobry den!
Actually i've nothing special to write in this post, just feel like posting sumthing :oD
my feeling rite now??nothing in exact..myb happy bcoz i'm soo full..just having my dinner a few minutes ago :o) thanks to my housemates for the marvellous tomyam!!!huarrghh deliciousss nyummy~
hurmm..about the title of this post! nothing much actually, just a random thought from me..might be due to the cold-ness that leads to this cannot-getout-from-duvet disease haha *merepek!*...oke stop2!hahaha...
oke, after 3days hibernating myself in this house finally i managed to force myself to go out as we've run-out of rice..*mane bley idop tanpa nasi!haha* so, after maghrib about 4.45pm we went to Futurum! what i can say, today temperature is uncomfortably low *might be because dah lame xkeluar rumah!*, i can see on the TV inside Futurum the lowest temperature today [dnes] is -10 degree..and of course all part of Hradec Kralove is currently covered with quite thick snow...lagi menarik! my friend told me that the lake behind my university is already beku so if u like ice-skating you can just go there *ice-skating for free!*... las monday when i was in the bus heading to KBbank i can see the swans and ducks at the Labe river were surrounded by the fragments of ice that float on the top of the river hoho poor them *mesti sejuk gilerr~*...hoho
..ok dah xtau nk cakap let move on to something more interesting..
i wanna make an anouncement here..
To all Kralovian batch02,
[Busut aka Ijoy, Daus, Nazrin, Ayee, Awang, Aizat, Zharif, Lah, Fara, Didie, Wani, Dalila, Meiyee,Sara, Jay, Madihah, Ijti, Rian, Shu, Raini, Ila,Chenad, Koin]
All of u [refer to the name listed above] are invited to a small 'melepak'ing party since dah lama kita xmerepek2, details as below:
Makanan: pot luck, semua bawak makanan yerk!
Lokasi sasaran : rumah our Mr Pres, Ijoy aka Busut
Masa bertindak: esok, lps maghrib (area kol 5-6 ptg)
Marilah sama2 kita memeriahkannya..yeah! tribute to ila for the managing thingy!haha..
Ape lagi nk Cerita ek! ok about my study! i'll finish my winter sem on this coming February.. before that i've to face 2more czech tests, 1Medbiology credit test and Final MedBiology&Genetics. Luckily i've settled my biochem and physio credit for this sem bfore the holiday!,...but still i'm soo worry about the biology final since i have'nt started anything yet hoho...also to my czech language, i'm not only worry about the exam, but also the communication or the speaking part! since this is the last year i've Czech as one of my subject i think if i still unable to use the language properly, i've to take a private class later..huhu.. kita tgok nanti mcmana oke..hehe~
ok la, gtg, i've to continue with my one piece! i only have today and tumorrow to 'pulun' finish all of the available episodes 383!sekarang berada dilokasi 338..
so everyone, na shledanou~
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