Need to start to stay focus!..
Do always remind yourself not to drown out by unnecessary things,
always bear in ur mind that nothing worth having ever comes easy KOIN!
Seterusnya, Bercakap mengenai winter melambai pergi.. seringku bertanya sendiri, bilakah sebenarnya masanya akan sampai..suhu tertinggi dikala ini adalah 3degree celcius berserta snow masih berterusan walaupun adakalanya ia mencair, tetapi masih tidak secara total...
Mahu dirunguti, takut digelar kufur nikmat...hanya pasrah meredah kesejukan melampau dikala melangkah ke kelas, akur bangkit walaupun kenyamanan tidur diwaktu pagi sentiasa mengugat iman, kelicinan dan kebecakan jalan yang merimaskan kira merungut x??hahahaa..layan je la.. itu la fitrah manusia sentiasa kurang bersyukur dengan nikmat yang dikurnia... bila panas mahu sejuk, bila sejuk mahu panas, bila kurus mahu gemuk, bila gemuk mahu kurus, bila berambut lurus mahu dikerintingkan, bila kerinting mahu diluruskan dsb...
sungai yang sudahpun beku dan mengeras dek suhu yang melampau sejuk!
Okela, sebelum aku lagi merepek dengan lebih panjang sampai korang ternganga2 sampai meleleh-leleh airliur bace.. baek aku benti dulu..nanti2 aku rajin aku cerita lagi...tata~!
gambar ihsan dari : klik!
picca source:
What is the next destination??
PS://More Budapest Photos will be uploaded on my Fb n Fs!!
This story is about Bruno, Bruno is an 8year old German boy who leads a very comfortable life in Berlin during the 2nd World War. His father is a high ranking Nazi officer, and things change when the family has to move due to his father’s new post. Bruno sees the nearby Nazi concentration camp as a ‘farm’ and wonders why its inhabitants are always wearing striped pajamas. Eventually Bruno becomes friends with Shmuel,a Jewish boy his own age who lives on the other side of the fence. But then, Bruno is told that the people in the striped pyjamas on the other side of the fence are Jews and that he and his family are "the opposite". The story ends with Bruno about to return to the family's old home in Berlin. As a climax of the story, he agrees to dress in a set of striped pyjamas and climb under a loose wire in the fence to help Shmuel find his father, who went missing in the camp. In the camp, Bruno learns that the camp is not as nice as in the propaganda film and wants to return, but Shmuel encourages him to continue helping to find his father. While they look in Shmuel's hut a group of Nazi soldiers and Kapos arrives and marches all those inside,including Bruno and Shmuel, to a low concrete building. The men and boys are made to undress, supposedly for a shower, packed together in a gas chamber, and killed. THE END!
Yeah one more thing..tumorrow i'll be leaving HK for Budapest,Hungary Trip, about the exact detail on the trip i dunno yet since i'm not doing anything for the trip, jus following my friends... sumtime i feel bad since i didnt contribute anything for this trip [not only this trip i tink!hhahaha!], i know someone might say :
"ape nk risau plak bagos la..seronok ape xpayah buat apa2 kerja, xpayah book ticket, survey hotel..xpayah pening2 kepala, semua org dh buatkan...tahu2 tinggal pegi jalan2 je.."
we'll just go there by it gonna take hours to arrive tapi xpa la ley tido2..hehe..jadi, pray for our safe journey yup!!~
oke wanna share another photo of my niece [latest one!] Kawaiiii~! brother said she's getting tembam and kuat minum susu..hehehe kuat makan macam ibu n ayah dia laa!!!hahaha~wokey, gtg! sambung nex time oke...adi0ss~
1. Put your iTunes, MP3, MP4, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
2nd tagged by Fatin and Bek intan..
soklan ni sebenarnya saya penah jawap dlu2 mungkin ada dalam post2 sebelum ini, tapi xpa lain masa lain jawapannya ye x??hahaha...k ni kira the updated version la from me..hahah~
1. Do you think you’re hot?
ye saya hot..knape??ada masalah??hahahaha...*mode perasan sendiri!*
2. Upload a favourite picture of you
3. Why do you like that picture?
sebab tyme ni memng best gilerrr~
4. when was your last time you ate pizza?
last skali rasanya mkn kt sport cafe dgn ila,didie,fara n ijti...tapi tak ingt tarikh..
5. The last song you listen to?
you belong with me by taylor swift kt blog janie..
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
7. What name would you prefer besides yours?
People to tag :
1. Bek Jani
2. Comot
3. Sue
4. Rian
5. shud
8. Who is number one?
my bebek
9. Number three is having a relationship with?
sape sue??xtahuuu...
10. Say something about number four
sangat suka DBSK n ape2 la kt mysoju tu..hhehe
11. Who is number two?
My ex-school mate. kelas sebelah aku dulu!hehe, now kt UTeM~
3rd tagged by Bek Qubee and Bek Intan[gmbr seperti diatas!]
oke since bek intan suro aku buat 16, bek qubee suro buat 25, random things about me sama ada tentang fakta, perangai tak senonoh ataupun hala tuju hidup aku...jadi aku berijtihad untuk membuatnya sekaligus..hahaha.. pada bek intan sila bace sampai 16, bek Qubee sampai 25 oke..yang laen sukati korang la..hahaha~
1. tulis 25 perkara rawak tentang diri anda blablabla...
2. Silalah hasut 16 orang lain untuk melakukan perkara ini.
3. Sila tanda manusia yang telah menanda anda di peringkat awal.
4. Ketahuilah, jika anda terpilih ia adalah kerana anda juga manusia biasa yang perlukan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang secukupnya ketika bayi.
1. Nama diberi Nurul Ain Razali tapi orang panggil Koin, koko, Ain dsb... sukati korg la nk panggil ape pon...hehehe..
2. Sekarang berada di bumi yang jauh dari pemikiran orang malaysia iaitu Czech Republic..ntah mcmana gaknya aku leh kt sini..hhahaha~
3. bekground pendidikan [mcm resume plak!haha~] bermula disekola tadika KEMAS je, terus ke sekolah kampung SK01, then SMKTA form 1-3, seterusnya ke MRSM Mersing, then, ke Matrix Gambang pahang sebulan...pastu kena amek ngn MARA masok ke Kolej MARA Banting... di banting 2tahun kemudian ke sini, Czech!!
3. sekarang berada ditahun ke 2, semester ke 4, medic... walaupon xpenah aku rase nk jadi doktor dulu2...tpi jalan aku sentiasa menuju kearah ini dan sokongan keluarga yang xpenah now, i'm a medic student dan skrg rasa berkobar2 plak nk jadi doctor...hehehe
4. Anak ke 3 dari 4 adik beradik...suka mengadu kt my dad!! tapi dedua Mak&Ayah pon saya super-duper sayang!!! Akak aku selalu ejek aku anak emas...padahal aku bukan berasal dari emas...hahahah~
5. Suka memekak! kuat membebel dan suka ketawa kuat2..i'm LOUD! titik...
6. i've my bebeks as my besties...bermula di Maktab or MRSM till now,dah 6tahun bersama even separated by benua berbeza..indon, US, czech, Malaysia!! Kami masih anggun bergaya bersama2 menongkah arus dunia...hahaha apakah?
7. my english is deym suck like prosim for that!! i'll try hard to improve it by time since i know how malaysia mengaggungkan english now..hehehe~....
8. Bercakap tentang Malaysia! tidak ku berminat sangat dgn politiknya yang haru-biru mahupun issue economynya yang makin merudum tu... tetapi aku hanya dapat rasakan bahawa walaupon aku dan 21tahun dan layak untuk mengundi... i'm not gonna vote for any party since i know all politicians in Malaysia are sick..there's no reason to vote!!!!hahaha~
9. Aku sedang addicted dengan Boys over Flower kt Mysoju...owhhh sungguh kacak kamu2!hehe
10. Rumah aku xda ayam,ikan mahupun daging... jadi kami hanya makan telur, sebb malas nk pergi mencari yerkk!.. hahaha~
11. Mengidam nk makan semua makanan malaysia...list je... laksa?mee goreng mamak? siakap steam limau? sate? n the list goes on n on!!haahahaah~
12. sedang berusaha menguasai bahasa czech! walaupun agak payah!hehe... Dobryden!hehe~
13. Sangat berharap agar dapat beraya di Malaysia tahun ni dan dapat cuti dengan agak panjang!! ...[study la rajin2 weyh! kalo nk balik lame..hehe~]
14. dah 2-3 hari bangun kol 12tgahari, konon Qada' tido lepas exam hahahaha...[tapi bangon subuh oke!hehe]
15. Sedang membaca buku " the Tales of beedle the Bard' by JK Rowling, fairy tales from harry potter punya cerita heee~... tapi skrg ni guna internet lagi banyak dari baca.. adoi bila nk abes pon xtau la...hehehe
16. Merancang nk ke Munich n Salzburg untuk skiing.. pastu xjadik, tukar plan nk ke prague skiing...juga tak jadi, then nk ke olomouc shopping...juga xjadi.. akhirnya terbengkalai kt umah ni tgok cerita korea yang xsudah2 kt tu..hehehe
17.. adoi banyak lagi nk tulis..aku dah xda idea..hehehe~
18. Start to drink fresh milk every morning since datang ke czech republic... kat malaysia haram xsuka susu..hehehe~
19. ada syndrome yang semua orang jeles...aku ni bila tyme exam je dtg la syndrome xselera makan, so no need to worry about gaining weight sebb nnti exam dia akan turun sendiri..hehehe~
20. sekarang ni sangat xsabar nak balik since i just got anak sedara yg sulung...waaaa~~ sangat2 nk pegang dia!!
21. disini sedang winter...tapi sekarang dah xda mood nk main snow...hahaha! mungkin dh cukup puas main masa awal2 dulu so sekarng ni kdg2 rasa tension pon ada ngn snow ni...leceh nk keluar kena pakai tebal2, pastu licin, blablabla... tpi mak kate kena syukur sebb xsemua leh rasa snow tu!eheheh~
22. aku tengah survey PDA2 yang bes2 untuk abang anyone ada suggestion sila bgtau yerkk..hehehe~
23. aku sangat boros...tapi skrg kena beringat2 kerana dah nk balik in a few month...then kena beli svnr, ticket, bayar insurance, renew visa..hehe~
24. Aku xrenew akunyer ISIC [international student identity card] yang sepatutnya dibuat december lepas...kenapa la aku ni malas sgt..hahahah~
25.. ni las! aku tgah dengar lagu2 muse yang lama2..hehehe jadi terima kasih kerana sudi membaca benda2 merepek ni!hahaha~
4th Tagged by Bek Intan Lagi..
kann aku dah cakap bertimbun btol minah ni tag aku!!adoiyai..oke ni last2 dari dia..mane2 yg aku miss lagi tu abaikan je la bek eh!hahaha xlarat weyh nk jawap..hahah~
ONE.If your lover betrayed you, how will you react?
-oke babai..i nk cari yang laen jugak weee~~
TWO.If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
-mahu jadi dokter sekelip mata dan otak yang genius tahap karma!
THREE.Whose butt would you like to kick?
-for this time being, NONE!
FOUR.What would you do with a billion dollars?
-bawak mak&ayah& family aku tour seluruh dunia.. sedekah...yang laen makan hahah!!!
FIVE.Would you fall in love with your best friend?
-hmm..ntah! mungkin! who know?!!.
SIX.Which do you think more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
-of couse both!hahaha
SEVEN.How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
-tgok situation la..hehe~
EIGHT.If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- start survey orang2 kacak laen!hahaha
NINE.If you were to act with someone, who would it be? Hyun jung!hahha
TEN.Would you invite your Ex bf/gf to your wedding?
ELEVEN.How would you see yourself in ten years time?
-doktor yang berjaya..Ameen.. married, anak sorg myb!hahah~
TWELVE.What’s your greatest fear?
-losing my loved ones..
THIRTEEN.who is your best friend?
FOURTEEN.Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
-rich and married!! tamak sket...
FIFTEEN.What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
-tarik duvet lagi...dah tido 5minit..walaupun tau dah lambt!hahaah~
SIXTEEN.Would you give all in a relationship?
-mana2 yg patot la..huhuhu~
SEVENTEEN.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
yang kacak, kaya, ckup agamanya, etc...ala depends on situation la!hehehe
EIGHTEEN.Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
-forgive yes, forget never...hehe same ngn bek intan!
NINETEEN.Why do you do this survey?
-sebab saya xda keja dan orang dah tag so buat la..hehe~
wow! finally tamat sudeyyy penjawapan tag yang paling panjang di alam semesta ni...waaaa~
sekian terima kasih!
Korea : Boys over flowers
JJI HOO yang super cool..& JUN PYO, the F4 leader..
oke malas nak tulis banyak2 pasal ketiga2 cerita ni..since it wud be better kalo korg tgok sendiri..hehe..oke adios~
versi tidur..hehe~