Friday, February 27, 2009

torn into pieces

Tell me how to stop this feeling.. i dunno wat happen till i didnt know who i'm right now..

seems away to the place that i did'nt ever knew the existence...i'm not being myself right now

i'm not what i'm..what i'm suppose to be...
::: STRESS!:::
POZOR!! Reminder to si Koin!

Need to start to stay focus!..
stay away from all the nonsense things
put away the shitty feelings that might distract you,
be brave,
be yourself,
dont let people doesnt matter brings you down!!!
dont give a deym about what people might think about you..
bcoz in the end the result is wat people gonna talk about..
live and study for the sake of Allah and your parents..
remember wat u've promise them..
4+1/'s wont be long unless you want it to be any longer
Always back to the main reason why you're here..
Do always remind yourself not to drown out by unnecessary things,
there're lots more important life-threatening things to be think of..
always bear in ur mind that nothing worth having ever comes easy KOIN!
Dont you remember ;
someone told me,
' soon u'll dealing with people's life.. u've too be more serious in your studies.."
what my dad said,
"...engineers..if they misdeal/misrepair a machine, they can just throw away the machine or just buy a brand new one as a replacement...
but for a doctor who deal with people's life..misdealing/mistreating might causing death..irreversible, cudnt be replace with anything....... so there's no doubt why medicine is a very well-known for it toughness.."
haih...missing my family family...the precious jewels of my life :o) they iluminate every breath i take through their very existence, the reason for me to keep moving...the supporters who never tired of cheering me up!, to not letting me giving up in my life...
homesick! :o(
ps/; ni akibat bila terlalu banyak berfikir benda yang merepek2..mood xberapa nak baik sekarang ni..PMS kot hahaha :o)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

bodohnya yang memboikot??

!!!!WARNING: sila abaikan tajuk entry ini :o) !!!!
Alhamdullilah, berita yang akan disampaikan ini mungkin sedikit sebanyak mampu menjadi 'batu loncatan' untuk kita terus istiqamah dalam mem'boikot' barangan israel.. juga bagi yang selalu berkata 'ala bukan ada effect pon kalo korg boikot, korang yang rugi adala' , bagi kamu2 sekalian, ini la bukti yang menunjukkan kalo kita sama berganding bahu tiada apa yang mustahil..
Tidak arif saya untuk bercakap banyak dalam hal ini kerana sejujurnya saya sendiri kadangkala tergugat dengan hasutan2 yang menjana ke arah membeli barang2 israel ini, mana tidaknya, berpuluh tahun hidup disumbat dengan barang-barang tersebut tiba-tiba berhenti..mungkin mudah bagi orang laen tapi bukan saya,manusia bernama koin ni!.. hehehe~
Walauapapun alasannya, Alhamdullilah saya bersyukur tidak terhingga pada Allah, kerana setakat ni saya masih mampu bertahan dengan hidup tanpa barang-barang ini...ermm ubah sketla ayat ni..oke ni corrected version.. hidup dengan kurang menggunakan barang-barang ini....mungkin dulu saya guna approx. 99% products US n Israel tapi kini hanya 5% or even less than that.. cara saya memboikot tidak la sampai mendurjanakan diri, kerana saya hanya mengamalkan istilah boikot pada benda-benda yang termampu .. [*POZOR: Termampu dalam ayat diatas bermaksud memboikot bila wujud alternatif laen bagi barang tersebut atau jika tidak memudaratkan kita jika tidak menggunakan barang tersebut!!] ...Avoid to buy selagi yang mampu itula cara saya memboikot..! Sengaja gedik2 tak mampu tidak bole diguna pakai disini oke :o)
Tindakan saya tidak memboikot secara total itu mungkin adalah kerana khilaf dan kelemahan yang ada dalam diri saya ni!!
oke, dibawah ni ada artikel yang saya curi dari ;

Rabu , 25/02/2009 - Akhbar berbahasa Ibrani, Ma’arev hari ini, Selasa (24/2) melaporkan bahawa keadaan ekonomi di negara ‘Israel’ itu memasuki fasa yang sangat buruk. Hari demi hari krisis ini bertambah parah. Banyak syarikat swasta gulung tikar setiap hari.

Menanggapi krisis yang menghantui pasaran kerja di Israel, harian ini mengatakan;”Seramai 730 orang di wilayah utara Israel secara automatik masuk dalam senarai penganggur baru. Padahal majoriti daripada mereka sudah berkeluarga. Jarak antara mereka dengan garis kemiskinan sangat dekat sekali.”

Sebelumnya sempat diberitakan bahawa pihak sumber manusia Israel mengumumkan bahawa sekitar 20 ribu pekerja kehilangan pekerjaan pada bulan Januari lalu. Perkara tersebut dinyatakan dalam laporan badan tersebut yang menunjukkan angka pengangguran di Israel semakin meningkat.

sumber : COMES
penterjemah : osman
sumber article :

oke, itu je untuk hari ini.. saya berundur dulu..wasalam!

Monday, February 23, 2009

bila winter melambai pergi??

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles University of Prague
Secara rasminya harini kami pelajar-pelajar LFHK,UK telah mula membuka langkah ke pengembaraan fasa berikutnya iaitu summer semester.. hari pertama di semester ke-4 bagiku tidak banyak bezanya, ke lecture hall, mendengar lecture berjam-jam..ada yang masuk ke hippocampusku, ada juga yang hanya lalu menyapa lantas pergi begitu sahaja, ada juga yang langsung tidak melekat dimana-mana sistem deriaku... perkara-perkara berikut sudah lali bagi diriku dan aku rasa semua pelajar laen pun begitu juga... apa yang mampu dikatakan, hari ini pencapaianku agak bagus kerana Encik Ngantuk masih tidak mengangguku semasa dikelas, tapi aku berani jamin 2-3hari lagi aku akan mula berkawan baik dengan Encik Ngantuk sepanjang Lecture berlangsung..huhuhu..
Dibawah ni aku attachkan jadual aku..nampak mcm penuh dan ianya memang pun penuh..tapi xsemua kaler dalam jadual tu melibatkan aku, ada kelas elektif yang hanya sesiapa yang mendaftar sahaja perlu hadir...tapi mostly aku kena pegi la..huhu~
Kedatangan summer sem ni memng dinanti semua, ada yang berkata 'waaa...dah nk balik mesia brape bulan je lagi' ada yang mula bertanya 'dah bli ticket flight balik? balik bila?' ada pula yang mula berangan ' waaa...nk raya diMalaysia tahun ni'..dan berbagai-bagai lagi soalan..
Jika kita mengimbau zaman lampau mungkin dengan meminjam pintu ajaib doremon; perkara yang berlaku tahun lepas, seawal march/April semua sudah mula berpusu-pusu mem'book' ticket balik untuk memastikan kononya harga murah jika menempah awal, dsb.. Semua dengan rakusnya membuka webpage semua penerbangan gah didunia ni..namakan sahaja MAS, Gulf Air, Emirates etc...pandangan dikala itu hanya terlekat pada muka ibudanayah tercinta, kampung halaman yang indah permai, dan malaysia yang aman sentosa [aman kah?]... semua keindahan dikota barat dikala itu dipersetankan,muka-muka professor diabaikan, buku-buku dibiar bergelimpangan..[erkkk hiperbola la pulakk..hahaha~!] tidak menyedari bahawasanya diri masih mempunyai satu semester yang perlu dilalui...perlu diterokai..
Padahnya masing-masing yang tiada pengalamannya ini tidak mampu memenuhi hasrat dan impian untuk pulang diwaktu yang ditetapkan..akibatnya? tarikh penerbangan dirombak, strategi diubahsuai mengikut situasi, duit dilayangkan dengan pasrah.. teladannya? tunggu abes exam baru book flight ticket...hahaha tu je nk cerita..haha~
Ramai agak pelik kenapa pulak nak tukar tarikh dan sebagainya,complex je? ye2 memang complex..bagi pelajar dimukabumi laen seperti UK, Ireland dsb, mereka mempunyai system yang berbeza secara total dengan system yang diterapkan diCzech Republic pun czech ni unikkan...hehehe...
Jawapan yang mampu aku kemukakan ialah final exam kami2 disini sangatla extraordinary, ini la penyebab utama yang sering menyekat kebebasan kami untuk pulang pada waktu yang tetap....sememangnya jawapan kepada soalan 'bila korangnyer summer break?' 'tarikh balik bila?'..tiada sapa yang mampu menjawap dikala ini kerana semuanya masih uncertain... nak cerita panjang tentang final exam kami2 disini pun susah sebab xkan boleh habis dan korang tak akan paham jugak.. aku rasa sampai sekarangpun family aku sendiri masih tak berapa nak faham jugak system kt sini..haha..tapi takpa asalkan sokongan mereka sentiasa ada dalam apa jua keadaan, aku dah amat bersyukur..hehe~
Kesimpulan kecil bagi pembebelan di atas adalah, tolong jangan tanya banyak kali bila aku akan pulang ke Malaysia.. kerana aku pun tak tahu mcmana nak jawap soklan kalian, bila tarikh exact aku akan pulang...tapi yang pasti aku insyaAllah akan pulang..!! bertabahlah anda menunggu kepulanganku...aku tahu kamu2 merinduiku..hahahah~

Seterusnya, Bercakap mengenai winter melambai pergi.. seringku bertanya sendiri, bilakah sebenarnya masanya akan sampai..suhu tertinggi dikala ini adalah 3degree celcius berserta snow masih berterusan walaupun adakalanya ia mencair, tetapi masih tidak secara total...

Mahu dirunguti, takut digelar kufur nikmat...hanya pasrah meredah kesejukan melampau dikala melangkah ke kelas, akur bangkit walaupun kenyamanan tidur diwaktu pagi sentiasa mengugat iman, kelicinan dan kebecakan jalan yang merimaskan kira merungut x??hahahaa..layan je la.. itu la fitrah manusia sentiasa kurang bersyukur dengan nikmat yang dikurnia... bila panas mahu sejuk, bila sejuk mahu panas, bila kurus mahu gemuk, bila gemuk mahu kurus, bila berambut lurus mahu dikerintingkan, bila kerinting mahu diluruskan dsb...

sungai yang sudahpun beku dan mengeras dek suhu yang melampau sejuk!

Okela, sebelum aku lagi merepek dengan lebih panjang sampai korang ternganga2 sampai meleleh-leleh airliur bace.. baek aku benti dulu..nanti2 aku rajin aku cerita lagi...tata~!

gambar ihsan dari : klik!

the reason is you..

I'm not a perfect person

There's many things I wish I didn't do

But I continue learning

I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you

It's something I must live with everyday

And all the pain I put you through

I wish that I could take it all away

And be the one who catches all your tears

Thats why i need you to hear

I've found a resaon for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is You..

I'm not a perfect person

I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show

A side of me you didn't know

A reason for all that I do

And the reason is you

Sunday, February 22, 2009

backpacking around europe

After spain, Ireland, italy, hungary!!
so today, i just wanna update u guys with my trip ke Budapest,hungary beberapa hari yg lepas!!!

Menjelajahi budapest selama 2hari sememangnya tidaklah semudah yang disangka.. kerana Budapest,yang merupakan ibu negara Hungary ini mengandungi banyak tempat2 yang menariknya.. bandarnya yang terbahagi kepada dua ini, BUDA dan PEST, wujud dek kehadiran sungai yang bernama Danube River.. Sesiapa yang gemar ke italy dan prague, tidak mustahil anda akan berminat dengan budapest juga since architecturenya yang unik seiras dengan bangunan2 nostalgic lagi classic yang wujud di prague mahupun italy [hanya membandingkannya dengan tempat yang pernah saya kunjungi..].. walaubagaimanapun Bedapest tetap mempunyai keistimewaannya tersendiri, seperti prague mempunyai charles bridge dan prague castle, italy mempunyai collesium etc, budapest juga begitu..bangunan parlimentnya yang gah, open bath yang unik, castle2, cathedral2, museum2, opera2, yang menarik..sememnagnya tidak rugi untuk kita melancong ke situ..
Kami yang pada awalnya bercadang untuk bermalam sehari sahaja disitu terpaksa meneruskan penginapan untuk menghabiskan pengembaraan dibumi Hungary tersebut.. secara total 3hari 2malam dibumi Hungary sememangnya menyeronokkan..

Terima kasih kepada semua kontijen Budapest:

[ila, Chenad, Koin, Amad, Izwar, Razeen, Hilmi, Patrick, Zikri]

oke, since esok summer semester dah start so dah xle men2 dah [ye2 je!!haha]...
i only got few months before my summer sem final on june then balik mesia!!!!

picca source:

What is the next destination??


PS://More Budapest Photos will be uploaded on my Fb n Fs!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

If the sky is the limit then y r there footsteps on moon?

Oke, the title of this post is nothing to do with wat im gonna write here, that is just a random comment which i got from a new movie that i watched, 'Keith'... I do watch lots of movies recently, however in this post, I just wanna share with you guys briefly bout a movie with title "The Boy in the striped pyjamas" This movie is based on the book with the same name written by John Boyne... I kinda captivated with the plot of this movie.. I didnt exactly know what Mark Herman, the director of this film,tries to portray from this film... but, i tink what i get from watching this film is much significant, i mean, my own interpretation on it is enough to make me satisfied watching this film...yeah i have to admit it, everyone have different point of views.. so watch and judge this movie by yourself..the genre is about Friendship, History, Humanity, War....I din really like this kind of genre tho, but this movie is kinda different and it's awesome! :o)

This story is about Bruno, Bruno is an 8year old German boy who leads a very comfortable life in Berlin during the 2nd World War. His father is a high ranking Nazi officer, and things change when the family has to move due to his father’s new post. Bruno sees the nearby Nazi concentration camp as a ‘farm’ and wonders why its inhabitants are always wearing striped pajamas. Eventually Bruno becomes friends with Shmuel,a Jewish boy his own age who lives on the other side of the fence. But then, Bruno is told that the people in the striped pyjamas on the other side of the fence are Jews and that he and his family are "the opposite". The story ends with Bruno about to return to the family's old home in Berlin. As a climax of the story, he agrees to dress in a set of striped pyjamas and climb under a loose wire in the fence to help Shmuel find his father, who went missing in the camp. In the camp, Bruno learns that the camp is not as nice as in the propaganda film and wants to return, but Shmuel encourages him to continue helping to find his father. While they look in Shmuel's hut a group of Nazi soldiers and Kapos arrives and marches all those inside,including Bruno and Shmuel, to a low concrete building. The men and boys are made to undress, supposedly for a shower, packed together in a gas chamber, and killed. THE END!

wokey, next station, i'm waiting for 'confession of a shopaholic' to be uploaded in any free-movie-watching website!...cant wait!!weeeee~~ plus anyone got upin & ipin the geng rajin2 la upload kt YouTube ke mane2 oke, nak tgok!!heehee~ .. since i'm still having my saki-baki holiday soo ni la masanya untuk maraathon semua movie2 yang menarikkk tanpa mengira bahasa oke hehehe...
oke la, WASALAM!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Today, i don't feel like writing actually, but i'm deym soo bored!! so layan je la...*t i dunno wat to write...cmmon, idea2 datang la..!! *thinking hard on wat to write!* :o)
Recalling wat had happen and wat will i do...owhh how pathetic i'm..mcm desperate giler nk menulis!haha~
yeah..currently,i'm not really in a good mood!

It's hard for me to write this post since there were nothing special happened in this week as i was just lazying around with my lappy and some czech notes...spending most of my time on my bed under my duvet!! hahaha... stop kejap la..

*after about 30minutes!*

oke, today i'm officially finished my winter semester!!!

This morning i had czech oral credit test with my language teacher, Zaneta Slemarova...We have like 4 topics :
1. Roddina Anamneza : Family history
2. Minula Anamneza : Patient History
3. Bolest and Soucasne Potize : Pain and current treatment
4. Osobni Udaje : Personal data
We'll get one out of this four topics..and then we've to act as a doctor who wanna take data from patients.. doing it individually in which u'll be the doctor and Slemarova will be the patient.. We've to get as many information as kinda tough tho..huhu~

I got Minula Anamneza!! i was kinda gelabah jugak la.. luckily Slemarova was very helpful.. so many2 thank to her...!! at the end of the conversation, she congratulates me for my good pronounciation and good overall performance for this semester!! Even mcm xdeserve pun for the praises thank you jugak la yerkk...*wink!*

Yeah one more thing..tumorrow i'll be leaving HK for Budapest,Hungary Trip, about the exact detail on the trip i dunno yet since i'm not doing anything for the trip, jus following my friends... sumtime i feel bad since i didnt contribute anything for this trip [not only this trip i tink!hhahaha!], i know someone might say :

"ape nk risau plak bagos la..seronok ape xpayah buat apa2 kerja, xpayah book ticket, survey hotel..xpayah pening2 kepala, semua org dh buatkan...tahu2 tinggal pegi jalan2 je.."

But i feel bad you know for letting my friend to it all alone...i do ask her "nk aku tolong ape2 ckp je r oke.." but she always said like everything is under control.. i dunno myb it's too easy for her to do it all by herself...who knows?'s good neway for having a friend like that but yeah it just that i didnt feel easy for it... oke stop there!!!

Wokey atas tu map europe total...bawah ni map separuh europe in which czech republic is located!! surrounded by poland, germany, austria and slovakia... Hungary and budapest ada kt bawah tu...

we'll just go there by it gonna take hours to arrive tapi xpa la ley tido2..hehe..jadi, pray for our safe journey yup!!~

oke wanna share another photo of my niece [latest one!] Kawaiiii~! brother said she's getting tembam and kuat minum susu..hehehe kuat makan macam ibu n ayah dia laa!!!hahaha~
wokey, gtg! sambung nex time oke...adi0ss~

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lettuce Couple!

I so very addicted with BBF.. but for JunPyo fans out there, dun wori i'm not gonna berebut with u guys since i kinda like Kim Hyun Joong more :o) [the 2nd hero in BBF after JunPyo], the one who replace Hua Zey Lei...
So then, here come the story for this post, my friend do introduce me with this movie called ' WE GOT MARRIED' in which Kim Hyun Joong is one of the character in it.. WGM is not really a movie but its more like a reality TV in which the korean celebs was selected and paired together as husband n together in the same house, honeymoon, and do act as husband n wife until they themself want to 'divorce'!![mcm btol2 tpi kawen maen2 je la..]..
There're many2 couple in it but since i ONLY love Hyun Joong so i just watch his part or better to say their part[ he with his 'wife' hehe~]!! Hyun Joong 24 was coupled with Hwang buin 29 [korean singer!].. They're soooo~ funny being husband n wife...It hard to describe everything here.. if you wish to know more u hv to watch them on youtube or mysoju...
Genre : Romantic&Comedy! hehehe~
But the ending of their story was very2 sad because after 8month together, finally they hardly decided to devorce since they are very2 busy with their career [Hyun Joong busy with BBF!], since both of them are already close and myb somehow have develop feeling toward each it kinda sad tho to see them separated..huhu
Hyunjoong's Message to hwangbo's Future Husband;
"Hwang Buin,
she hates being cute so don't make her act cute.
She's a good cook, but don't make her cook too much, she finds that bothersome.
And don't lie to her.
Phone her twice a day.
Don't look at anyone else as a woman...
And you must never talk about the first love.
And... make lots of money so she doesn't have to work the events...
and diligently deposit paycheck every month. When she's that age, she won't be doing her events anymore.
He's a future spouse who'll treat you well even if I don't tell him anything...
Just treat her well.. Unconditionally...
Don't come to Jeju Island for the honeymoon though...
She'll remember.. Since she'll remember if you come here for honeymoon..
For the next husband, I think this is a place he won't need to come."
"To tell you the truth... I didn't express it but in my heart you helped me a lot when things were really hard.
There were a few times,.. I looked at you for those times and changed the way I was thinking. I think I did.
Before I met you, wife... I want to tell you this, I used to live a very confined life.
I don't know if you'll believe this, but outside of my friends nobody knew me, what kind of person I am... But I think wife now knows.
A lot of my dark and gloomy ways, really... This goes on TV, but I'm not just saying this...
I really think you changed me a lot. At the right timing.
In a way, I strongly felt like you were someone sent by God.
Honestly I wanted to tell you this... When things were the hardest.
I'm relieved that wife will be the last woman I'll do mountain hiking with."

Hwang Buin's Message to Hyunjoong's Future Wife:
"Hyunjoong is..
he's a kid who loves to win... so please keep losing to him...
But you can't make it obvious that you're losing to him.. You have to make it seem like you tried really hard but lost...
He can't wake up well... so if you tickle him, he wakes up well..
He hates mushy things.. so don't expect too much..
Even if he doesn't express it, just feel it with your heart..."
HyunJoong words at the end of their conversation:
"We always filmed on Tuesdays... I think Tuesdays will seem really empty from now on... If we have work on something else on Tuesdays, that feels really sad. If I think like nothing had happened, it would feel so empty.. I think I'll feel like there's a hole in my daily life..."

Rasa kagum jugakla dgn celeb2 korean ni...since in We Got Married ni everything is spontaneous, from the acting, scripts blabla... so leh tgok la the real them! dan dari sini jugak la saya makin suka kt Hyun Joong, Hwang buin, the idols SS501, Wondergirls... nnti2 free2 nk tgok pasangan laen pulakk!heheheh~
WOKEY! itu sahaja! kena study czech pulekk~! TAMAT!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

when i'm with you

wokey, harini..aku nk marathon semua tag2 yang dah lame ku abaikan.. jadi kepada orang2 yang berkenaan, ini la jawapan dariku...sudi2 la membaca!hahaha..
Tetiba2 aku rase nk promote plak orang2 yang tag aku ni, bagi la can la diorg ni fames sket..hehe~

First Tagged by Bek Janie :

1. Put your iTunes, MP3, MP4, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.

2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.


4. Tag 10 friends and Everyone tagged has to do the same thing

One more time [BBF ost]
.sila tanya sekali lagi..hahaha~

Paradise [BBF ost]
.. owhh bukan saya yg cakap ni.. i'm nothing to be compare with paradise!
because i'm stupid [BBF ost]...
WTH??!!memng xmatching btol..cisss!

stand by me [BBF ost]
..yeah! i need you to stand by me!hehe~
starlight tears [BBF]
ni totally nonsense..xpayah percaya! tapi lagu ni sedap oke..

My life would suck without you [Kelly Clarkson]
yeah my life wud suck without the person i love... my mum dad dan laen2..but i dont tink it's a Motto..hahaha

womanizer [britney spears]..
hahaha... yes i'm kaki perempuan!haha
i'll be by edwin McCain...
yes2 u're my survival and u're my livin' proof.. i'll be the greatest fan of your life!!oke xmenjawap sgt..layan je..
Power of love by celine dion...
cuz i'm ur lady, n ure my man!hehehe..jiwang la puleekk~

10.WHAT IS 2 + 2?
hush hush by PCD ...
oke no comment..
i hate this part by PCD ..
owh ni memng xbetol..patot i love this part!hahaha.. i hate this QnA baru betul..haha~
hear me by kelly clarkson..
hahaha..sengal~but yeah indeed i need sumone to hear me! i'm not always strong!! :o(

decode by Paramore...
ye saya nak jadi dokter *xda kena mengena ngn jawapan diatas LoL!*oke tiada ulasan kerana ia sungguh xlogic...
misery bussiness by paramore ..
hahaha..yup soo misery bussiness..kena pikir n plan cmna nk ngurat~hahaha

unintended by muse
lagu dh bes untuk menari, tajuk plak xbes~..patot intended la adoi..hehehe~

bliss by muse...
hope to die in a blissful way..adaka?!hahaha~

This is the time of my life by david cook...
yes my blog! finally ada jugak jwapan yg logic!
Cant take that away from me by mariah carey
hahaha.. yes u cant take that away from me!!!

i dont wanna miss a thing by david cook/aerosmith
hahahah...i dont wanna miss every single things!hahahah~

breath by breaking benjamin
hahaha.. gv me some air to breath!..mcm lagu jordin spark tu No Air..No Air..hahah~

dare you to move by switchfoot
hahaha...warning ni!
when i'm with you by faber drive ...
when i'm with you..i'll make every second count..cuz i miss you!! [homesick!haha]

addicted by kelly clarkson..
haaa sape2 yang addicted ngn tagging2 ni..sila la buat!haha


2nd tagged by Fatin and Bek intan..

soklan ni sebenarnya saya penah jawap dlu2 mungkin ada dalam post2 sebelum ini, tapi xpa lain masa lain jawapannya ye x??hahaha...k ni kira the updated version la from me..hahah~

1. Do you think you’re hot?

ye saya hot..knape??ada masalah??hahahaha...*mode perasan sendiri!*

2. Upload a favourite picture of you

3. Why do you like that picture?

sebab tyme ni memng best gilerrr~

4. when was your last time you ate pizza?

last skali rasanya mkn kt sport cafe dgn ila,didie,fara n ijti...tapi tak ingt tarikh..

5. The last song you listen to?

you belong with me by taylor swift kt blog janie..

6. What are you doing right now besides this?


7. What name would you prefer besides yours?


People to tag :

1. Bek Jani

2. Comot

3. Sue

4. Rian

5. shud

8. Who is number one?

my bebek

9. Number three is having a relationship with?

sape sue??xtahuuu...

10. Say something about number four

sangat suka DBSK n ape2 la kt mysoju tu..hhehe

11. Who is number two?

My ex-school mate. kelas sebelah aku dulu!hehe, now kt UTeM~


3rd tagged by Bek Qubee and Bek Intan[gmbr seperti diatas!]

oke since bek intan suro aku buat 16, bek qubee suro buat 25, random things about me sama ada tentang fakta, perangai tak senonoh ataupun hala tuju hidup aku...jadi aku berijtihad untuk membuatnya sekaligus..hahaha.. pada bek intan sila bace sampai 16, bek Qubee sampai 25 oke..yang laen sukati korang la..hahaha~


1. tulis 25 perkara rawak tentang diri anda blablabla...

2. Silalah hasut 16 orang lain untuk melakukan perkara ini.

3. Sila tanda manusia yang telah menanda anda di peringkat awal.

4. Ketahuilah, jika anda terpilih ia adalah kerana anda juga manusia biasa yang perlukan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang secukupnya ketika bayi.


1. Nama diberi Nurul Ain Razali tapi orang panggil Koin, koko, Ain dsb... sukati korg la nk panggil ape pon...hehehe..

2. Sekarang berada di bumi yang jauh dari pemikiran orang malaysia iaitu Czech Republic..ntah mcmana gaknya aku leh kt sini..hhahaha~

3. bekground pendidikan [mcm resume plak!haha~] bermula disekola tadika KEMAS je, terus ke sekolah kampung SK01, then SMKTA form 1-3, seterusnya ke MRSM Mersing, then, ke Matrix Gambang pahang sebulan...pastu kena amek ngn MARA masok ke Kolej MARA Banting... di banting 2tahun kemudian ke sini, Czech!!

3. sekarang berada ditahun ke 2, semester ke 4, medic... walaupon xpenah aku rase nk jadi doktor dulu2...tpi jalan aku sentiasa menuju kearah ini dan sokongan keluarga yang xpenah now, i'm a medic student dan skrg rasa berkobar2 plak nk jadi doctor...hehehe

4. Anak ke 3 dari 4 adik beradik...suka mengadu kt my dad!! tapi dedua Mak&Ayah pon saya super-duper sayang!!! Akak aku selalu ejek aku anak emas...padahal aku bukan berasal dari emas...hahahah~

5. Suka memekak! kuat membebel dan suka ketawa kuat2..i'm LOUD! titik...

6. i've my bebeks as my besties...bermula di Maktab or MRSM till now,dah 6tahun bersama even separated by benua berbeza..indon, US, czech, Malaysia!! Kami masih anggun bergaya bersama2 menongkah arus dunia...hahaha apakah?

7. my english is deym suck like prosim for that!! i'll try hard to improve it by time since i know how malaysia mengaggungkan english now..hehehe~....

8. Bercakap tentang Malaysia! tidak ku berminat sangat dgn politiknya yang haru-biru mahupun issue economynya yang makin merudum tu... tetapi aku hanya dapat rasakan bahawa walaupon aku dan 21tahun dan layak untuk mengundi... i'm not gonna vote for any party since i know all politicians in Malaysia are sick..there's no reason to vote!!!!hahaha~

9. Aku sedang addicted dengan Boys over Flower kt Mysoju...owhhh sungguh kacak kamu2!hehe

10. Rumah aku xda ayam,ikan mahupun daging... jadi kami hanya makan telur, sebb malas nk pergi mencari yerkk!.. hahaha~

11. Mengidam nk makan semua makanan malaysia...list je... laksa?mee goreng mamak? siakap steam limau? sate? n the list goes on n on!!haahahaah~

12. sedang berusaha menguasai bahasa czech! walaupun agak payah!hehe... Dobryden!hehe~

13. Sangat berharap agar dapat beraya di Malaysia tahun ni dan dapat cuti dengan agak panjang!! ...[study la rajin2 weyh! kalo nk balik lame..hehe~]

14. dah 2-3 hari bangun kol 12tgahari, konon Qada' tido lepas exam hahahaha...[tapi bangon subuh oke!hehe]

15. Sedang membaca buku " the Tales of beedle the Bard' by JK Rowling, fairy tales from harry potter punya cerita heee~... tapi skrg ni guna internet lagi banyak dari baca.. adoi bila nk abes pon xtau la...hehehe

16. Merancang nk ke Munich n Salzburg untuk skiing.. pastu xjadik, tukar plan nk ke prague skiing...juga tak jadi, then nk ke olomouc shopping...juga xjadi.. akhirnya terbengkalai kt umah ni tgok cerita korea yang xsudah2 kt tu..hehehe

17.. adoi banyak lagi nk tulis..aku dah xda idea..hehehe~

18. Start to drink fresh milk every morning since datang ke czech republic... kat malaysia haram xsuka susu..hehehe~

19. ada syndrome yang semua orang jeles...aku ni bila tyme exam je dtg la syndrome xselera makan, so no need to worry about gaining weight sebb nnti exam dia akan turun sendiri..hehehe~

20. sekarang ni sangat xsabar nak balik since i just got anak sedara yg sulung...waaaa~~ sangat2 nk pegang dia!!

21. disini sedang winter...tapi sekarang dah xda mood nk main snow...hahaha! mungkin dh cukup puas main masa awal2 dulu so sekarng ni kdg2 rasa tension pon ada ngn snow ni...leceh nk keluar kena pakai tebal2, pastu licin, blablabla... tpi mak kate kena syukur sebb xsemua leh rasa snow tu!eheheh~

22. aku tengah survey PDA2 yang bes2 untuk abang anyone ada suggestion sila bgtau yerkk..hehehe~

23. aku sangat boros...tapi skrg kena beringat2 kerana dah nk balik in a few month...then kena beli svnr, ticket, bayar insurance, renew visa..hehe~

24. Aku xrenew akunyer ISIC [international student identity card] yang sepatutnya dibuat december lepas...kenapa la aku ni malas sgt..hahahah~

25.. ni las! aku tgah dengar lagu2 muse yang lama2..hehehe jadi terima kasih kerana sudi membaca benda2 merepek ni!hahaha~


4th Tagged by Bek Intan Lagi..
kann aku dah cakap bertimbun btol minah ni tag aku!!adoiyai..oke ni last2 dari dia..mane2 yg aku miss lagi tu abaikan je la bek eh!hahaha xlarat weyh nk jawap..hahah~

ONE.If your lover betrayed you, how will you react?

-oke babai..i nk cari yang laen jugak weee~~

TWO.If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?

-mahu jadi dokter sekelip mata dan otak yang genius tahap karma!

THREE.Whose butt would you like to kick?

-for this time being, NONE!

FOUR.What would you do with a billion dollars?

-bawak mak&ayah& family aku tour seluruh dunia.. sedekah...yang laen makan hahah!!!

FIVE.Would you fall in love with your best friend?

-hmm..ntah! mungkin! who know?!!.

SIX.Which do you think more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

-of couse both!hahaha

SEVEN.How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?

-tgok situation la..hehe~

EIGHT.If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

- start survey orang2 kacak laen!hahaha

NINE.If you were to act with someone, who would it be? Hyun jung!hahha

TEN.Would you invite your Ex bf/gf to your wedding?


ELEVEN.How would you see yourself in ten years time?

-doktor yang berjaya..Ameen.. married, anak sorg myb!hahah~

TWELVE.What’s your greatest fear?

-losing my loved ones..

THIRTEEN.who is your best friend?


FOURTEEN.Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?

-rich and married!! tamak sket...

FIFTEEN.What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

-tarik duvet lagi...dah tido 5minit..walaupun tau dah lambt!hahaah~

SIXTEEN.Would you give all in a relationship?

-mana2 yg patot la..huhuhu~

SEVENTEEN.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

yang kacak, kaya, ckup agamanya, etc...ala depends on situation la!hehehe

EIGHTEEN.Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?

-forgive yes, forget never...hehe same ngn bek intan!

NINETEEN.Why do you do this survey?

-sebab saya xda keja dan orang dah tag so buat la..hehe~

wow! finally tamat sudeyyy penjawapan tag yang paling panjang di alam semesta ni...waaaa~

sekian terima kasih!

Friday, February 13, 2009

the addiction

Almost semua warga hawa di sini telah dilanda satu syndrome yang serius... syndrome 'Boys over Flowers'..penah dengar x??hehehe...kalo xpenah pegi bukak tgok..hehe..oke, post kali ni xda ape2 cuma nk bercakap tentang cerita yang dah 3kali dilakonkan dalam pelbagai bahasa ni...jadi kepada sesiapa yang xberminat untuk membacanya, sila kepenjuru kanan screen lappy/PC anda dan click symbol 'X' disitu oke..hehe~
Taiwan : Meteor Garden
Japan : Hana yori dango

Korea : Boys over flowers

Cerita-cerita ni semua sama dan berasal dari sebuah komik yang satu..tapi taktahu kenapa masih ramai yang mengilainya..the latest one adalah versi korea tu, semua pon dah tahu apa akan jadi pada F4 and all the characters in the series tapi masih juga ternanti2 episodes2 yang akan diupload di mysoju [since korea version is still ongoing~], termasukla diri saya ni..hehe..

Nyatanya, saya dah tengok kesemua version, dari meteor garden ke Hana Yori Dango dan yang baru ni Boys over Flowers korea.. Terfikir juga apa la, apa yang menarik sangat sampai sanggup diri ni tgok sampai tiga kali cerita yang sama ni hehe... adakah disebabkan jejaka2 kacak yang di'jual' didalam cerita ni??[mungkin juga *wink*] atau terlalu banyak masa terluang?[sungguh tipu ni!]hahaha~

oke ni saja je, tapi out of those 3 series..rasanya i will go for the korea version! since the pelakon2 sangat la hebat berlakon and the jejaka2 f4 dalam cerita ni sangat HOT n SPICY tambah sket super comel n cute..hahaha~

JJI HOO yang super cool..& JUN PYO, the F4 leader..

oke malas nak tulis banyak2 pasal ketiga2 cerita ni..since it wud be better kalo korg tgok sendiri..hehe..oke adios~

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tentang KITA

Nantikan kedatangannya di Hradec Kralove ;0)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Na shledanou~

Owhhh..Sesungguhnya lagu dibawah ni tada kena mengena dengan content post kali ini..since aku dah teraddicted dan sudahpun berjuta2 kali ulang vid ni, so aku bercadang tuk bagi korang plak tgok, it's unresistable!ahahaha..

Středa ,Jedenacteho února dva tisice devět, lékařska Faculta

Tidak sia-sia meredah salji yang turun dengan lebatnya pagi ini, menapak diatas kelembutan salji yang tebal seawal 7.30pagi *xda la awal sgt!hehe~*
Alhamdullilah.. 'na shledanou' to bio&genetics...Thanks Allah..All the praiseS to HIM, ONLY Him!! i'm nothing without Him..
also Thanks to My Family & Friends for the Doa & Support!

Encik Burkitt Lymphoma [tans 8,14], Puan Phidelphia chromosome [trans 9.22], Cik Bloom [SCE], Tuan Ataxia Telangiectasia [DDR], En. Fanconi Anemia, Tuan Wolf [-4] dan Cri Du Chat [-5], Von Recklinghausen[17], Marfan , Hungtington [5,CAG], Tay Sachs [15], Lesh Nyman[X], Ehler Danlos, Phenyketouria [12], Alkaptouria, Klinefelter, Turner, Trisomy [21,13,18,8], Pakcik Oncogene dan Tumor suppressor genes sekeluarga[RAS,erbB2,MYC,ABL...], tidak dilupakan pada pakcik2 signaling molecule, SNAREs, SRP, snRNP, retrovirus, adenomavirus, AAV, Vectors2...and the list goes on..!
terimakasih kerana sudi menginap di Hipocampus ku, harap2 kamu2 di'cosolidate' menjadi penginap tetap disitu sebagai long-term memoryku..hahaha!

More triplets to come on June koin, don't feel sooo too comfortable!!! *write those words on a sticky note and paste it in ur mind n heart!*
..Infinite effort, limitless spirits & motivations, continuous DOA!..May Allah Bless me & us Always~

Saturday, February 7, 2009

gadis comel lahir kedunia..

Hari ni saya nak memperkenalkan seorang gadis comel ni..bila la saya bley dapat pegang dia..*sedih!*...hehe~Biodata diri
Nama: Nur Umairah Najihah
Tarikh Lahir: 25 January 2009
Tempat lahir : Johor, Malaysia..
Nama Bapa : Mohd Noor Jamaah bin Razali
Nama ibu : Aslina binti Mustaffa
mata seperti ayah&ibunya...SEPET!haha..

versi tidur..hehe~

bersama MakNgah ngokngek!haha *jeles2 nk pegang!!*

opsss..jangan nangesss..saya tau kamu merindui saya!hehe~

haihhhhh..tak sabarnya nk balik mesiaaaaa!!!!!!!!!